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Tabless HTML mark-up.
XHTML 1 .0 Strict valid.
CSS 3 .0 valid.
Unlimited Colors
WordPress 3.8+ Ready
Revolution Slider($15)
Easy Widget Posotioning
9 Post Formats (Standard, Aside, Audio, Link, Image, Gallery, Quote, Status..
Fantasy sports is an online game of skill, where users can create a virtual team of real players, by statistically optimising an allocated budget, and score points on the basis of real life performance of those cricketers selected on the field.
1. Select a match
2. Pick fantasy team for upcoming match
3. Join any leagues
4. Win exciting Prizes
Starting from Rs.25,000/-
As a leading digital agency in Asia, we specialize in providing end-to-end digital marketing solutions to our clients that belong to a diverse range of industry with specific needs. Be it designing or developing or marketing a product or service, Groday’s strategic approach and methods, ensures it delivers, what it agreed to.
We live in the digital world and all our projects are designed and developed based on an extensive need-assessment process conducted by our account managers. It’s not a rocket science as such, but over the years we have perfected the process to such an extent that we deliver better than what our clients have in their mind.
At Groday we focus our energy on designing and developing innovative products and solutions for our clients within their time and budget. We understand business needs of our clients and invest our resources in their success. For a start, here are some reasons to work with us on your project:
Our systems are progressive. They are built for assimilating future needs & updates.
We deliver our projects on time & enable you to focus on your business growth strategy.
Our dedicated 24/7 support is always at your side & keeps your online business up & running.
This is mobile-first age and as such all the products we design & develop are responsive.
Our customer & management practices along with development & design are agile.
Our marketing approaches and strategies ensure you get maximum return on investments.